NFAR Parent's Group - Dec 16th

  • 19 November 2020

Zoom Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, Dec 16, 2020
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Please join us this Wednesday to learn more!

Topic: AUTISM IS – An Anti-bullying Curriculum

Join us to learn about the curriculum, AUTISM IS. Research at UCSD demonstrates that this curriculum addresses not only autism and special needs but inclusion, appreciation of differences, social skills, bullying, and gun violence. Curriculum, AUTISM IS, is even more relevant and needed today, and when connecting with peers is harder than ever before.

Guest Speakers:

Dr. Joshua Feder MD: Dr. Feder is a child and family psychiatrist who develops programs to support child development and resilience. Dr. Feder does research, develops technology, and he is active in policy advocacy on mental health and education. 

Dr. Grace Fantaroni: Dr. Fantaroni is a Professor of Special Education at Point Loma Nazarene University. Prior to becoming an Autism and Educational Specialist, she taught students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities.

Therese Davis, B.A. Public Relations, USC School of Journalism. Therese earned her M.A. in Counseling Psychology and her M.F.A. in Creative writing from National University. She co-wrote and was featured in “Bass Clef Bliss: Terrence’s Path”, which chronicle’s her son Terrence’s journey with Autism, hope and music. Therese is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

Dr. Michael Berlin Ph.D., Psychology & Education: Dr Berlin  is an Educator and Gerontologist, and has worked in Hospice, Riker’s Island Prison and Drug Rehab. Dr. Berlin, a longtime film and TV writer/producer, has worked on numerous shows and features including Miami Vice, Cagney & Lacey and MacGyver and has written and Executive Produced Bass Clef Bliss: Terrence’s Path. 

Patrick Scott BA: Patrick founded Drama House Productions. Directed and produced Bass Clef Bliss: Terrence’s Path and produced El Abuelo and With Me.




Topic: Parents Group
Time: Dec 16, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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